Dashboard Int
eHealth Basic Services
1. IAM - Identity & Access Management
eHealth IDP - Identity provider - Authorization managementInconnu
User can not select profile anymore for each online services protected by IDP
WebService AA - AttributeAuthority - Authentic eHealth sources consultationInconnu
User ManagementInconnu
May affects user's rights from any organization: they might be unable to access online services - Webapp
WebService STS - Secure Token ServiceInconnu
Unability to obtain tokens to access online services
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect – wellKnownInconnu
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect - TokenInconnu
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect – eXchangeInconnu
WebService eHealth - UAM PDP - LoadBalancerInconnu
2. Coding service
WebService Codage SealsInconnu
3. TimeStamping service - Preservation of proof of the existence of a document and its content at a given date
WebService Time Stamp Authority V2 (certification and archiving)Inconnu
May affects the following online services: Electronic Prescription in Hospitals, GFD-DPP, Recipe-Prescriber, Chapter IV Admission, Chapter IV Consultation, DMG Notification, Webservice Registration, Adm Hosp Async, Fac Hop Async, Fac Doctor Async
WebService Time Stamp Consult V2 (document control)Inconnu
4. End to end Encryption (E2EE)
WebService ETKDepot (encryption to a known recipient)Inconnu
May affects the following online services: GFD-DPP, Recip-e, Chapter IV, eCare/Qermid registers
WebService KGSS (encryption to an unknown recipient)Inconnu
May affects the following online services: GFD-DPP, Recip-e, Chapter IV
WebService ETEE - RESTInconnu
5. Portal
Portal eSantéInconnu
All applications keep working but only affect: people who doens't know the URL of an application, people searching documentation or support of our services
6. eHealthBox
WebService eHealthBox SOAP Consultation v3Inconnu
WebService eHealthBox SOAP Publication v3Inconnu
WebService eHealthBox REST v1Inconnu
WebService AddressBook RESTInconnu
7. National register consultation services
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – PersonService, PersonInfoGroupService, EncodedPersonService, PseudoPersonServiceInconnu
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – InscriptionService, EncodedInscription, SsinHistory, CbssPersonService, PseudoInscriptionServiceInconnu
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – PersonNotification, EncodedPersonNotification, PseudoPersonNotificationServiceInconnu
8. eHealth Authentication Certificates
eHealth Platform Belgium Certificate Manager - WebappInconnu
Certificates cannot be created, renewed or revoked
Certificate Encryption key WebService - ETK-RAInconnu
Certificates cannot be created, renewed or revoked
eHealth Integration – ETEE-CERT-RAInconnu
eHealth Integration – ETEE ForeignerInconnu
9. Services for managing access to patient's medical data - MetaHub, Consent & Therapeutic Links webservices
WebService Metahub – SOAPInconnu
Unability to manage either the informed patient consent, therapeutic links, therapeutic exclusions or patients-hubs links through authorized hubs. Unability to access any medical data through other hubs
WebService Consent (Informed consent management) – SOAPInconnu
Unability for the authorized end-users to manage the informed patient consent.
WebService Therlink (Therapeutic links management) – SOAPInconnu
Unability to manage the therapeutic links
WebService Consent (Informed consent management) – RESTInconnu
Patient are unable to manage the informed consent
WebService Therlink (Therapeutic links management) – RESTInconnu
Patient are unable to manage the therapeutic link
WebService TherExclusion (Management of a patient's exclusion of a healthcare provider from access to his or her medical data) – RESTInconnu
Patient are unable to manage the therapeutic exclusion
WebService Link (Care links management) – RESTInconnu
Unability to manage the care links
10. CoBRHA+ - Common Base Registry for HealthCare Actor
WebService CoBRHA+ ConsultationInconnu
Authentic source of the public institutions responsible for the recognition of health care actors in Belgium
WebService CoBRHA+ PublicationInconnu
Authentic source of the public institutions responsible for the recognition of health care actors in Belgium
11. ID Support - Service for checking the validity of an identification card
WebService IdSupportInconnu
May affects the following online services: Consent, Therlink, Metahub. Unability to validate the support card of the patient SSIN (eiD , SIS or ISI+)
12. AddressBook - Service to consult the most up-to-date data of healthcare providers
WebService AddressbookInconnu
13. UPPAD (Unique Portal for Profesionals for Administrative Data)
Webapp UPPADInconnu
Overview of administrative data on care providers held by the relevant authorities
14. DAAS - Message routing directory for sending messages to the appropriate recipient
WebService DAta Attribute Service (LOPS, LOE, PIP Rules, IndemnityBeneficiary)Inconnu
15. Directory - Authentic source for connections between specific actors
WebService DirectoryInconnu
eHealth Online Services
16. WebService
Pseudonymization REST serviceInconnu
Pseudonymization REST service