Dashboard Acc
eHealth Basic Services
1. IAM - Identity & Access Management
eHealth IDP - Identity provider - Authorization managementOperationeel
WebService AA - AttributeAuthority - Authentic eHealth sources consultationOperationeel
User ManagementOperationeel
WebService STS - Secure Token ServiceOperationeel
UAM - User & Access Management/ Permissions management for user's access to a protected resourceOperationeel
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect – wellKnownOperationeel
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect - TokenOperationeel
WebService eHealth – IAM Connect – eXchangeOperationeel
2. Coding service
WebService Codage SealsOperationeel
3. TimeStamping service - Preservation of proof of the existence of a document and its content at a given date
WebService Time Stamp Authority V2 (certification and archiving)Operationeel
WebService Time Stamp Consult V2 (document control)Operationeel
4. End to end Encryption (E2EE)
WebService ETKDepot (encryption to a known recipient)Operationeel
WebService KGSS (encryption to an unknown recipient)Operationeel
WebService ETEE - RESTOperationeel
5. Portal
Portal eSantéOperationeel
API Catalog PortalOperationeel
Portal StandardsOnbekend
6. eHealthBox
WebService eHealthBox SOAP Consultation v3Operationeel
WebService eHealthBox SOAP Publication v3Operationeel
WebService eHealthBox REST v1Operationeel
WebService AddressBook RESTOperationeel
7. National register consultation services
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – PersonService, PersonInfoGroupService, EncodedPersonService, PseudoPersonServiceOperationeel
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – InscriptionService, EncodedInscription, SsinHistory, CbssPersonService, PseudoInscriptionServiceOperationeel
WebService eHealth - RNConsult – PersonNotification, EncodedPersonNotification, PseudoPersonNotificationServiceOperationeel
8. eHealth Authentication Certificates
eHealth Platform Belgium Certificate Manager - WebappOperationeel
Certificate Authentication key WebService - CERT-RAOperationeel
Certificate Encryption key WebService - ETK-RAOperationeel
eHealth Platform Foreigner Certificate Manager - WebappOperationeel
9. Services for managing access to patient's medical data - MetaHub, Consent & Therapeutic Links webservices
WebService Metahub – SOAPOperationeel
WebService Consent (Informed consent management) – SOAPOperationeel
WebService Therlink (Therapeutic links management) – SOAPOperationeel
WebService Consent (Informed consent management) – RESTOperationeel
WebService Therlink (Therapeutic links management) – RESTOperationeel
WebService TherExclusion (Management of a patient's exclusion of a healthcare provider from access to his or her medical data) – RESTOperationeel
WebService Link (Care links management) – RESTOperationeel
WebService Matrix (Access matrix management) – RESTOperationeel
10. CoBRHA+ - Common Base Registry for HealthCare Actor
WebService CoBRHA+ ConsultationOperationeel
WebService CoBRHA+ PublicationOperationeel
11. ID Support - Service for checking the validity of an identification card
WebService IdSupportOperationeel
12. AddressBook - Service to consult the most up-to-date data of healthcare providers
WebService AddressbookOperationeel
13. UPPAD (Unique Portal for Profesionals for Administrative Data)
Webapp UPPADOperationeel
14. DAAS - Message routing directory for sending messages to the appropriate recipient
WebService DAta Attribute Service (LOPS, LOE, PIP Rules, IndemnityBeneficiary)Operationeel
15. Directory - Authentic source for connections between specific actors
WebService DirectoryOperationeel
eHealth Online Services
16. WebService
VSB-DP - Vlaamse Sociale Bescherming Digitaal PlatformOperationeel
Emergency Medical Service Registry (EMSR)Operationeel
Digitaal Platform ZorgverzekeringOperationeel
Insisto - Processing requests for youth assistance not directly accessible to minorsOperationeel
CRT - Central Traceability RegisterOperationeel
Vitalink Decryptor 1 - Data exchanges between doctors, pharmacists, physiotherapists and patients (for Flanders)Operationeel
Vitalink GatewayOperationeel
Vitalink Gateway RestOperationeel
Vrijwillige OppashulpOperationeel
Recip-e PatientOperationeel
Recip-e ExecutorOperationeel
Recip-e PrescriberOperationeel
Pseudonymization REST serviceOperationeel
17. Web Application
Autocontrol - Evaluation tool for FAMHP inspectors to establish a risk score for health care stakeholdersOperationeel
Civars - Electronic data exchanges regarding drug agreements chapter IV between healthcare providers and mutual societiesOperationeel
Contributions - Management of the declarations of distributors of medical devices and computation of feesOperationeel
eCarmed Consult - Mediprima - Consultation by healthcare providers of an authentic source to store the medical cards of all Public Centre for Social Welfare in BelgiumOperationeel
ODEA – Online Declaration of Euthanasia AgreementOperationeel
GKB - Register of care institutions in FlandersOperationeel
Insisto -Processing requests for youth assistance not directly accessible to minorsOperationeel
Kadinsp - Inspectors registerOperationeel
MaSante - MijnGezondheid - MeineGesundheit - Patient's medical file managementOperationeel
Medseip -Welcome and communication portal for healthcare stakeholders (in collaboration with the FAMH)Operationeel
Moduledatabank - Complete range of youth support programs in FlandersOperationeel
ORGADON - Organ donation patient's positionOperationeel
CTR - Central Traceability RegisterOperationeel
Retam -Laboratory analysis terminology managementOperationeel
Saa - Healthcare stakeholders authentic sourceOperationeel
Sanac - Medical activities and activity classes authentic sourceOperationeel
Terminal 1733 - Software for managing non-urgent medical callsOperationeel
VESTA - VAZG management platform for data exchangeOperationeel
Vitalink central PlatformOperationeel
Vitalink-FHIR - VaultOperationeel