Issues with ID Support and eHealth services Solved
- Start date:
- 27/02/2022 - 13:26
- End date:
- 27/02/2022 - 14:50
- Lead:
- Smals
- Description:
Issues with the ID Support service, impacting the verification of the patient data (eID, SIS, SIS+) and the use of Consent, Therapeutic Link, Metahub and ConsultRN services.
Our teams are investigating the issues.
The eHealth BCP has been activated.
Issues have been solved around 14:50.
- Impact:
Verification of patient data might fail, with impact on at least the following services:
- ID Support
- Consent
- TherLink
- ConsultRN
Other services such as Recip-e, eCare Orthopride, eCare TuCo and RCT/CTR might also be impacted.