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Issues with the National Register with impact on Therlink etc. Solved

Start date 07/02/2022- 11:07
End date 07/02/2022- 11:43
Lead RN

There are currently issues with the National Register. The teams are working on a solution.


The impacts on users of eHealth services are as follows
Failure on the following applications:

  • ConsultRN excepted for the BISS numbers
  • Creation of therapeutic relations
  • Creation and revocation of a consent
  • Creation and revocation of the therapeutic relations (only if the transaction specifies EID verification with IDSupport) through Hub/Metahub transactions (reference register)
  • MyHealthViewer
  • PARIS excepted for the BISS numbers
  • Orgadon
  • Tardis
  • eCare Qermid
  • MyHealth: there is a failure when verifying 'parental' access for users with children
  • CareLink (care relationship)

IO 100 incident Solved

Start date 03/02/2022- 15:04
End date 03/02/2022- 15:20

Problems with our internal service bus with impact on response times


eAttest : Medium

Tarification : Medium

Member Data : Medium

Contact info

Issues with the National Register Solved

Start date 31/01/2022- 08:55
End date 31/01/2022- 09:42
Lead RN

There are currently disturbances with the National Register. Their teams are investigating the issue.


The impacts on users of eHealth services are as follows
Failure on the following applications:

  • ConsultRN excepted for the BISS numbers
  • Creation of therapeutic relations
  • Creation and revocation of a consent
  • Creation and revocation of the therapeutic relations (only if the transaction specifies EID verification with IDSupport) through Hub/Metahub transactions (reference register)
  • MyHealthViewer
  • PARIS excepted for the BISS numbers
  • Orgadon
  • Tardis
  • eCare Qermid
  • MyHealth: there is a failure when verifying 'parental' access for users with children
  • CareLink (care relationship)

Recip-e public key renewed Solved

Start date 26/01/2022- 22:15
End date 27/01/2022- 13:00
Lead Recip-e

Recip-e ETK public key has changed yesterday evening.

If you encounter issues, please refresh the cached key in the application or on the server connecting to Recip-e.


Prescriptions cannot be treived from Recip-e server with old (cached) public key

Contact info


S033-FSB Platform Production is down Solved

Start date 25/01/2022- 12:14
End date 25/01/2022- 11:32

S033-FSB Platform Production is down

people who own a role may have problems logging in, the role will not be "loaded"


Impacted services eMandate and e-Birth

MyCareNet incident - CHIV Solved

Start date 25/01/2022- 09:00
End date 28/01/2022- 09:00

In de nasleep van de productie Go Live DBSAM v2 in de backend eerder deze week konden zorgverleners enige hinder ondervinden. De meldingen ons toegezonden werden onderzocht. Het is moeilijk aan te geven wanneer de hinder ondervonden werd, wanneer niet,… maar in het algemeen was deze gelimiteerd maar uiteraard voor wie het voorhad niet aangenaam. De zoektocht naar waar de problemen zich juist situeerden vroeg wel even wat tijd wegens de complexiteit. Ondertussen werden de nodige aanpassingen gedaan aan de backend zodoende de problemen te verhelpen. We wensen ons voor de hinder te excuseren. We bekijken intern wat we kunnen doen om dit naar de toekomst te voorkomen.

 À la suite de la mise en production de DBSAM v2 dans le backend en début de semaine, les prestataires de soins de santé pourraient subir quelques désagréments. Les rapports qui nous ont été envoyés ont fait l'objet d'une enquête. Il est difficile de dire quand le désagrément a été vécu, quand il ne l'a pas été, ... mais en général il a été limité mais bien sûr pas agréable pour ceux qui l'ont vécu. La recherche de l'emplacement exact des problèmes a pris un certain temps en raison de sa complexité. Pendant ce temps, les ajustements nécessaires ont été apportés au backend afin de résoudre les problèmes. Nous tenons à nous excuser pour ce désagrément. Nous examinons ce que nous pouvons faire en interne pour éviter que cela ne se reproduise.


Environment : Production
Service(s) impacted :

Chapter IV Ask Low, Medium
Chapter IV Consultation Low, Medium

Sector(s) using the impacted service(s) :

  • hospital
  • pharmacist
  • physician

Timestamp : 28/01/2022 12:18

Contact info

Contact information : support@intermut.be

IO 600 incident Solved

Start date 24/01/2022- 19:16
End date 24/01/2022- 22:10

During an intervention we encountered an unexpected impact on other services. The problem has been resolved.


Chapter IV Ask : High (unavailable)

Chapter IV Consultation : Low

GMF (Sync) : High (unavailable)

Tarification : High (unavailable)

Medical House Subscription : High (unavailable)

Contact info

IO 100 incident Solved

Start date 24/01/2022- 07:15
End date 26/01/2022- 07:00

Unjustified refusals of Chapter IV Asks / (sometimes appendix is requested even when not really necessary)


Chapter IV Ask : Medium

Contact info

Aanmelden met itsme® terug mogelijk (onderbrekingen mogelijk) - Connexion à nouveau possible avec itsme® (interruptions possibles) - Logging on possible again with itsme® (interruptions possible) Solved

Start date 17/01/2022- 10:55
End date 17/01/2022- 23:30

It is possible to logon again to online services with itsme®.

Short interruptions may still occur.

In this case, please log on with eID or another digital key or try again later.



A message has been published on the FAS for end users.

eForms instability Solved

Start date 17/01/2022- 08:15
End date 17/01/2022- 09:30
Lead HealthConnect

Issues with eForms not being accessible from the integrating software. 


Users are not able to use eForms from the integrating software.

Contact info

